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Asthma Education including how to use various devices

Healthy Children -AAP Parenting Website 

Tylenol Dosage Chart and information

Motrin Dosage and information

Concussion and returning to sports

Children Products Recalls

Strong 4 Life--CHOA resource page.  

Nutrition for kids covers nutrition, GI concerns, and more.

Health Education

Baby’s First Foods: What About Allergies?

Baby’s First Foods: What About Allergies?

As babies get to about 4 to 6 months old, parents start asking questions about solid foods like: When should I give peanuts to my baby? How old should babies be before they try tree nuts? When should babies eat eggs? When can I give seafood (fish or shellfish) to my baby? When is it OK for babies to have milk or dairy? When should I give soy to my baby? When can babies try wheat? What does an allergic reaction to food look like? It turns out, you can reduce the chances your child will develop some food allergies by introducing foods sooner rather than later. Dr. Joanna Parga-Belinkie, a pediatrician and mom, explains. #askthepediatrician Chapters: 00:00 General first food recommendations for babies 00:40 The most common (food) causes of severe allergic reactions 1:39 When to introduce peanuts to help avoid peanut allergies 2:32 What an allergic reaction to food looks like & what to do Additional Resources: Starting Solid Foods: When Can I Start Giving My Baby Peanut Butter? How Do I Know if My Child Has a Food Allergy? AAP Policy Statements: The Effects of Early Nutritional Interventions on the Development of Atopic Disease in Infants and Children Advocacy for Improving Nutrition in the First 1000 Days to Support Childhood Development and Adult Health
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